
LexSlu Plugin: Expose LexRuntimeV2ClientConfig as libraryConfig and make it optional

rmtuckerphx opened this issue · 0 comments

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Expected Behavior

Allow plugin to not explicitly set credentials and region.

Current Behavior

The existing slu-lex implementation requires credentials with accessKeyId and secretAccessKey. These aren't required if the code is run in Lambda or Kubernetes and a role is assigned externally.

Error Log

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Your Environment

  • Jovo Framework version used: 4.5.6
  • Operating System: Windows 11

Code Sample

Here is some code to review of how the plugin could be changed and remain backward compatible:

export interface LexSluConfig extends InterpretationPluginConfig {
  bot: {
    id: string;
    aliasId: string;
  credentials?: AwsCredentialIdentity; // @deprecated use libraryConfig
  region?: string; // @deprecated use libraryConfig
  locale?: string;
  localeMap?: Record<string, string>;
  fallbackLocale: string;
  asr: boolean;
  nlu: boolean;
  libraryConfig?: LexRuntimeV2ClientConfig; // new

export type LexSluInitConfig = DeepPartial<LexSluConfig> & Pick<LexSluConfig, 'bot'>;

export class LexSlu extends SluPlugin<LexSluConfig> {
 // ...
  constructor(config: LexSluInitConfig) {

    const clientConfig = this.config?.libraryConfig || {};

    if (this.config.credentials) {
      clientConfig.credentials = this.config.credentials;

    if (this.config.region) {
      clientConfig.region = this.config.region;

    this.client = new LexRuntimeV2Client(clientConfig);

  getDefaultConfig(): LexSluConfig {
    return {
      bot: { id: '', aliasId: '' },
      fallbackLocale: 'en_US',
      asr: true,
      nlu: true,

  getInitConfig(): RequiredOnlyWhere<LexSluConfig, 'bot'> {
    return {
      bot: { id: '', aliasId: '' },

  // ...