
This is a sample API for file uploads for the purpose of testing NUS Fintech Society's Insurtech frontend, before the actual API is completed.

It is deployed on heroku: https://sample-image-upload-api.herokuapp.com/uploads


This API supports only GET and POST methods.

GET /uploads

A GET request to https://sample-image-upload-api.herokuapp.com/uploads should return:

  "message": "Hello!"

POST /uploads

You can do a POST request to the API endpoint. When sending a file over, the API endpoint should return the file size.

Params for POST requests:

Field Type Description
img File The desired file to upload.

The POST request should return:

Field Type Description
message String A string of random text.
file_size Integer The size of the file, in bytes.
img String An image of a car with scratches, in Base64.


  "message": "You have made a POST request!",
  "file_size": 12234,
  "img": " ... "