
A lightweight Django Geo Field to save and handle Geo Points with geohash

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight Django Geo Field to save and handle Geo Points. It supports to search the nearby points by their geohash.

Quick start

  1. Install django-geofield

     pip install django-geofield
  2. Define GeoPositionField in your Model like this::

     class Point(models.Model):
         position = GeoPositionField(db_index=True)
  3. Run python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate to make it effect

  4. The field will save a geo point with a string into database like this :

                     position=GeoPosition(lat, lon, precision=6))
  5. If you want to query the points whose geohash is matched exactly with the given point , you can :

     pos = Point.objects.get(id=1)
     points_matched = Point.objects.filter(position__geoprecise=pos.position.geohash)

    The '__geoprecise' lookup will find all points have the same geohash.

  6. If you want to query the points in expand area to eliminate the geohash's marginal error, you can :

     pos = Point.objects.get(id=1)
     points_matched = Point.objects.filter(position__geosearch=pos.position.geohash)

    The '__geosearch' lookup will find all points have one of 9 ( 1 center point and 8 expand point) geohash .

  7. If you want to query the points within a specific range , you should lookup the geohash table to get the geohash length you want, then just search the cropped length.

     pos = Point.objects.get(id=1)
     points_matched = Point.objects.filter(position__geosearch=pos.position.geohash[0:4])


If you want to limit the distance strictly, you should writer your own codes to filter the result .

About GeoHash




  • "2.7"
  • "3.2"
  • "3.3"
  • "3.4"
  • "3.5"
  • "3.5-dev" # 3.5 development branch
  • "nightly" # currently points to 3.6-dev


