Lemon is an async and lightweight API framework for python . Inspired by Koa and Sanic .
from lemon.app import Lemon
from lemon.context import Context
async def middleware(ctx: Context, nxt):
ctx.body = {
'msg': 'hello lemon'
await nxt()
async def handler(ctx: Context):
ctx.body['ack'] = 'yeah !'
app = Lemon()
app.use(middleware, handler)
from random import random
from lemon.app import Lemon
from lemon.context import Context
from lemon.router import Router
async def middleware(ctx: Context, nxt):
ctx.body = {
'msg': 'hello lemon'
await nxt()
async def handler1(ctx: Context):
ctx.body['ack'] = 'yeah !'
ctx.body['random'] = random()
async def handler2(ctx: Context):
ctx.body = ctx.req.json
app = Lemon(debug=True)
router = Router()
router.get('/handler1', middleware, handler1)
router.post('/handler2', middleware, handler2)