
Flask Demo API

Primary LanguagePython

Note's API



In order to run

With remote debugging activated

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml build && docker-compose up

Production mode

docker-compose build && docker-compose up
#ways to build and run
$ docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose up -d # detached
$ docker-compose up # attached

Flask migrate/Alembic

$ flask db init
$ flask db migrate
$ flask db upgrade

Pytest running locally

first run poetry shell from the project folder

# simple test
$ python -m pytest test/
# test with html report
$ python -m pytest  --html=reports/report.html --self-contained-html test/

Run commands

create user

$ poetry shell
$ python -m flask user create


You can also use the **[flask db current]** command to check the current migration version of your database, and the **[flask db history]** command to view the history of all the migrations that were applied to your database.

It's worth noting that, as a best practice, you should make sure that your migration scripts are tested and validated before deploying them to a production environment. Also, you should make sure to backup your production database before applying any migrations.