
Django rest api blueprint

Primary LanguagePython

A generic blueprint project for Django Rest Framework WIP

Tech/framework used

Built with

Uses docker and docker-compose


You have to setup your environment variables at .env.dev in the project root


First clone the git repo or download it.

Time to build the images

At the project's root folder

The argument "--env-file .env.dev " will inject the environment variables into container

Run Atached to the console

$ docker-compose --env-file .env.dev up

Run Detached from console

$ docker-compose --env-file .env.dev up -d

To stop if attached

ctrl+c to stop the process

To stop if detached

$ docker-compose down


  • /api/posts

    • Allow: GET, POST
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Also Django Rest Framework Interface
    • payload for POST
       "title": "What Stuff",
       "url": "https://margot.net"
  • /api/posts/[int:id]

    • Allow: GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • payload required only for PATCH or PUT
    • payload
       "title": "What Stuff",
       "url": "https://margot.net"
  • /api/posts/[int:id]/vote

    • Allow: POST, DELETE
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • DELETE returns code 204 no response
    • no payload required
  • /api/auth/signup

    • Allow: POST
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Returns token
    • payload
  • /auth/login

    • Allow: POST
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Returns token
    • payload

PS: Still work in progress