
Front and Backend for a products API and a simple chatbox, made with React, Bootstrap, Express, Socket.io, and MongoDB.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Front and Backend for a products API and a simple chatbox, made with React, Bootstrap, Express, Socket.io, and MongoDB.

Front-End live demo: https://ecommerce-mongo.netlify.app/

API live demo: https://ecommerceapicoder.herokuapp.com/


Script Description
npm install Install all dependencies
npm run dev Execute TS files with nodemon



Method Route Description
GET https://ecommerceapicoder.herokuapp.com/api/productos/listar/ List all products
GET https://ecommerceapicoder.herokuapp.com/api/productos/listar/id List a product by id, if a product doesn't exist return an error message
POST https://ecommerceapicoder.herokuapp.com/api/productos/agregar/ Add a product by passing a JSON Body
PUT https://ecommerceapicoder.herokuapp.com/api/productos/actualizar/id Updates a product by passing the product's id and a JSON Body
DELETE https://ecommerceapicoder.herokuapp.com/api/productos/borrar/id Delete a product from the product list by passing the product's id

Product's JSON Body template:

    "title": string,
    "price": number,
    "thumbnail": string,


Method Route Description
GET https://ecommerceapicoder.herokuapp.com/api/mensajes/listar/ List all products
POST https://ecommerceapicoder.herokuapp.com/api/mensajes/agregar/ Add a product by passing a JSON Body

Message's JSON Body template:

    "email": string,
    "message": string,
    "date": string,
    "time": string