
A testing library for janet

MIT LicenseMIT


A testing library for janet


Add the dependency https://github.com/joy-framework/tester to your project.janet file:

  :dependencies ["https://github.com/joy-framework/tester"])


Create a .janet file for testing and use this library like so:

(import tester :prefix "" :exit true)

  (test "1 + 1 = 2"
    (is (= 2 (+ 1 1))))

  (test "expected = actual"
    (let [expected "expected"
          actual "expected"]
      (is (= expected actual)))))

Run your tests from the terminal with jpm test in your project directory

jpm test

For a better workflow, use entr to restart jpm test automatically on a file change like this:

; # ... rest of project.janet above

(phony "watch" []
  (os/shell "find . -name '*.janet' | entr -r -d jpm test"))

Then run this from the terminal and you're all set to get a fast running test suite on any file change in src or in test

jpm run watch


Any issues or pull requests are welcome!
