Some GraphQL APIs have disabled introspection. For example, Apollo Server disables introspection automatically if the NODE_ENV
environment variable is set to production
Clairvoyance allows us to get GraphQL API schema when introspection is disabled. It produces schema in JSON format suitable for other tools like GraphQL Voyager, InQL or graphql-path-enum.
Thanks to Swan from Escape-Technologies for 2.0 version.
You may find more details on how the tool works in the second half of the GraphQL APIs from bug hunter's perspective by Nikita Stupin talk.
pip install clairvoyance
git clone
cd clairvoyance
pip install poetry
poetry config true
poetry install --no-dev
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m clairvoyance --help
python3 -m clairvoyance -o /path/to/schema.json
docker run --rm nikitastupin/clairvoyance --help
# Assuming the wordlist.txt file is found in $PWD
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/tmp/ nikitastupin/clairvoyance -vv -o /tmp/schema.json -w /tmp/wordlist.txt
NOTE: this distribution is supported by a third-party (i.e. not by the mainainters of clairvoyance)
pacman -S clairvoyance
There are at least two approaches:
- Use general English words (e.g. google-10000-english).
- Create target specific wordlist by extracting all valid GraphQL names from application HTTP traffic, from mobile application static files, etc. Regex for GraphQL name is
LOG_FMT=`%(asctime)s \t%(levelname)s\t| %(message)s` # A string format for logging.
LOG_DATEFMT=`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S` # A string format for logging date.
LOG_LEVEL=`INFO` # A string level for logging.
Due to time constraints @nikitastupin won't be able to answer all the issues for some time but he'll do his best to review & merge PRs
In case of question or issue with clairvoyance please refer to wiki or issues. If this doesn't solve your problem feel free to open a new issue.
Pull requests are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. For more information about tests, internal project structure and so on refer to Development wiki page.