Welcome to EnergyDataSimulationChallenge! This project is to challenge the analysis of big energy production data. We prepared several challenges. You can try either of them or maybe all :) Your pull-request is always welcome.
- Fork it
- Create your branch (Name the branch name 'analysis/YOURNAME' like analysis/shirakia)
- Create your directory in 'analysis/' directory.
- Code your analysis programs and commit them
- Push to the branch
- Make a Pull Request
- Avoid working in any branch except your own branch
- Avoid committing any file except in your directory
- Winner will be kindly offered the position for Paid Internship. (3-month programme, competitive salary.)
- Accommodation (private room) and your desk at Co-Working space in Cambridge, UK will be provided for FREE if you wish to work with us here.
- Or, you can still work from your own place remotely.
- After Successful 3-month programme, we could offer other positions (permanent position, longer contract, additional intern etc.)
We prepared the energy production data for 500 houses. For each house, there are monthly data from July, 2011 to June, 2013. The data are given temperature data and daylight data.
Please make a model for predicting EnergyProduction using data from July 2011 to May 2013. On that basis, predict EnergyProduction on June 2013 for each house, and calculate MAPE(Mean Absolute Persentage Error). You can use any algorithms including multiple-variables regression, polynomial regression, Neural network, SVM, etc...
We will see accuracy of prediction(MAPE), algorithm choice, parameter tuning, programming skill. Make sure that MAPE value is not all. We would like to see many aspects of your commits.
Input dataset file is in data/ directory as follows.
$ head data/dataset_500.csv | column -s, -t
ID Label House Year Month Temperature Daylight EnergyProduction
0 0 1 2011 7 26.2 178.9 740
1 1 1 2011 8 25.8 169.7 731
2 2 1 2011 9 22.8 170.2 694
3 3 1 2011 10 16.4 169.1 688
4 4 1 2011 11 11.4 169.1 650
5 5 1 2011 12 4.2 199.5 763
6 6 1 2012 1 1.8 203.1 765
7 7 1 2012 2 2.8 178.2 706
8 8 1 2012 3 6.7 172.7 788
The first line of the file gives the format name. The rest of the file describes EnergyProduction data for 500 houses. Each data of a house consists of 24 lines showing monthly EnergyProduction data with Temperature data and Daylight data.
training_dataset_500.csv and test_dataset_500.csv are just subsets of dataset_500.csv. test_dataset_500.csv includes only June 2013 data of each house. The rest of it is training_dataset_500.csv.
You can use any given data you like. But do not forget that you can use only data from July 2011 to May 2013 for training.
Output is predicted_energy_production.csv, mape.txt and another files. Please set these files in challenge1/analysis/YOURNAME/.
- predicted_energy_production.csv Need to include House column and EnergyProduction column for each line. Any csv file that we can find which columns means House and EnergyProduction is also acceptable.
- mape.txt Need to include just MAPE value. Minimize it.
- another files Files you use, edit, or write like R source code, batch Python file, excel file, etc. These files will be good materials for us to understand your thoughts. This rule is not so strict that you can avoid to commit your secret files.
The following task is intended to give us an idea of your data visualisation skills. Please use the tools/programming language you are most familiar with.
- Download the data-set total-watt.csv
- The data-set consists of two columns: a time stamp and the energy consumption
- visualise the data-set
- visualise the data-set as values per day
- cluster the values per day into 3 groups: low, medium, and high energy consumption
- visualise the clusters (How you visualize the data is up to you. Please show us your imagination and creativity!)
dataset file is in data/ directory as follows.
$ head data/total_watt.csv| column -s, -t
2011-04-18 13:22:00 925.840613752523
2011-04-18 13:52:00 483.295891812865
2011-04-18 14:22:00 915.761633660131
2011-04-18 14:52:00 609.043490935672
2011-04-18 15:22:00 745.155434458509
2011-04-18 15:52:00 409.855947368421
2011-04-18 16:22:00 434.084038321073
2011-04-18 16:52:00 152.684299188514
2011-04-18 17:22:00 327.579073188405
2011-04-18 17:52:00 156.826945856169
Please set output files in challenge2/analysis/YOURNAME/.
- visualization of the data-set as values per 30mins
- visualization of the data-set as values per day
- visualization of the data-set as clusters
Please create a web application to show each user's energy usages with time-series graph.
- @TODO: Detail of the rule to be described here