
Run Python code in Jupyter notebooks on github.dev and vscode.dev/github

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Pyolite kernel for Visual Studio Code

Python kernel for Visual Studio Code notebooks based on JupyterLite, Pyodide, the Jupyter extension for VS Code.


To build the extension and test it against github.dev:

  1. git clone https://github.com/joyceerhl/vscode-pyolite
  2. cd vscode-pyolite
  3. npm i
  4. npm run watch-web
  5. In one shell, npm run serve
  6. In another shell, npm run tunnel
  7. Click on the local URL printed as a result of running npm run localtunnel and click 'Click to Continue'
  8. Navigate to a repository in vscode.dev
  9. Ctrl+Shift+P > Install Web Extension > paste in the URL printed from running npm run localtunnel
  10. The Pyolite VS Code extension should be installed and ready for local testing!


This extension builds on top of:

  1. The VS Code notebooks API
  2. JupyterLite
  3. Pyodide
  4. The Jupyter extension for VS Code