
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

3D Augmentation with PixelNeRF

License: MIT



Using PixelNeRF as 3D point cloud augmentation.

Getting the code

You can download a copy of all the files in this repository by cloning this repository:

git clone https://github.com/joycenerd/3Daug_pixel-nerf.git


You need to have Anaconda or Miniconda already installed in your environment. To install requirements:

cd pixel-nerf
conda env create -f environment.yml


Download raw data

Data conversion

A. convert .off to .obj

Please check model-converter-python in 3D_Augmentation repo

cd model-converter-python
python convert.py \
    --data-root <data_dir> \
    --output-root <save_dir>

B. Render 20 views (rgb, poses) -> SRN input format

Please refer to here for detail.

C. Render 20 views (rgb, transformation matrix) -> multi-obj input format

  1. Install Blender
    wget https://mirror.clarkson.edu/blender/release/Blender2.90/blender-2.90.1-linux64.tar.xz
    tar -xvf blender-2.90-linux64.tar.xz 
  2. Install python dependencies
    cd $INSTALL_PATH/blender-2.82a-linux64/2.82/python/bin/
    ./python3.7m -m ensurepip
    ./pip3 install numpy scipy
    ./pip3 install dotmap
  3. Run render_shapenet.py
    blender --background -noaudio --python render_shapenet.py -- --object chair --src_model_dir <obj_data_dir> --out_dir <save_dir> --val_frac 0.3 --test_frac 0.0 --split <train/val/test> --n_objects 1

SRN data


python train/train.py -n srn_car_exp -c conf/exp/srn.conf -D <data_dir> --gpu_id '0 1' --dataset_format srn --save_dir <save_dir> -B 2 -V 3


python eval/eval.py -D <data_dir> --split test --output <save_dir_from_train> --write_depth --save_dir <save_dir> -n srn_chair_exp -P '22 25 28' --gpu_id 4

Multi object data


python train/train.py -n multi_obj_chair_exp_test -c conf/exp/multi_obj.conf -D <data_dir>  --gpu_id=5 --save_dir <save_dir> --dataset_format multi_obj -V 10


python eval/eval.py -D <data_dir> -n multi_obj_chair_exp -P "5 7 10" --multicat -O <save_dir_from_train> --split val --save_dir <save_dir> -c conf/exp/multi_obj.conf --gpu_id=7  --write_depth


GitHub Acknowledge

We thank the authors of these repositories:


If you'd like to contribute, or have any suggestions, you can contact us at joycenerd.cs09@nycu.edu.tw or open an issue on this GitHub repository.

All contributions welcome! All content in this repository is licensed under the MIT license.