
This repo is for ML homework in the spring semester studying in NCTU.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repo is for ML homework in the spring semester studying in NCTU.

Regularized Linear Model Regression (link)

  • Apply LSE and Newton method to do regularized linear model regression.

Naive Bayes Classifier and Online Learning (link)

  • Apply naive Bayes classifier to classify MNIST handwritten digit.
  • Apply online learning to learn the beta distribution of the parameter p of the coin tossing trials

Bayesian Linear Regression (link)

  • Generate data from normal distribution
  • Sequentially estimating the mean and variance using online learning algorithm.
  • Applying Bayesian linear regression to update the posterior and predictive distribution.

Logistic Regression and EM Algorithm (link)

  • Apply logistic regression to classify two groups of data.
  • Use EM algorithm to classify MNIST handwritten digits.

Gaussian Process and SVM (link)

  • Apply Gaussian process to predict the distribution of the data points.
  • SVM accuracy:
    • linear kernel: 95.08%
    • rbf kernel: 98.28%
    • linear + rbs kernel: 95.68%

Kernel K-means and Spectral Clustering (link)

  • Apply kernal k-means with different intialization method.
  • Apply spectral clustering (both ratio cut and normalize cut).

Kernel Eigenface and t-SNE (link)

  • face recognition accuracy:
    • K-means: 86.67%
    • PCA: 90%
    • LDA: 76.67%
  • t-sne error: 0.8715
  • s-sne error: 1.6821