
Primary LanguageRuby



  • install ruby and Phantomjs, add them to PATH
  • gem install concurrent-ruby
  • gem install concurrent-ruby-edge
  • gem install concurrent-ruby-ext (optional, for perf improvement on MRI)
  • gem install rufus-scheduler (optional)
  • gem install poseidon (optional, for kafka client)
  • gem install sinatra (optional, create web server to forward kafka messages)

How to:

ruby smurfs.rb -u 3 -l 10 -d 20 -g homepage -f ./page1_test_script/page_perf_sample.js


First option [-u 3]: 3 Concurrent users
Second option [-l 10 optional]: Execute 10 loops by each user
Third option [-d 20 optional]: Test duration timed out value Fouth option [-g group optional]: Test Group Name Fifth option [-f ./xxx/x.js]: Test script you want to exec


  • [Deprecated] will adopt nightmare lib instead of raw phantomjs to composite test scripts
  • Due to the performance issue within Phantomjs, nightmare is coming up with its V2 Proposal So we will stop using nightmareV1 in Smurf, and adpot nightmareV2 once it is released.(which means currently smurf project only support single page testing with phantomjs)

Smurf V2 has been updated and tested on my side, check it out if you want to give it a try