
Primary LanguageSystemVerilog


  • make assembly <- translate the .s program into hex and store in program.mem
  • make program <- translate the .c program into hex and store in program.mem
  • make simv <- create an executable named simv
  • make syn_simv <- run synthesis and create an executable named syn_simv
  • ./simv > program.out <- run the simulation executable and direct the output to program.out
  • ./syn_simv > program.out <- run the synthesized executable and direct the output to program.out

Something important:

  • Running "make syn_simv" on our project takes about 2 hours to finish
  • The largest number of cycles given for a single program to run is 5,000,000. It's defined at the top of testbench_fin.sv (`define MAX_CYCLE 5000000)
  • These public test programs take more than 300 seconds to complete by simulation:
    • outer_product.c (320s)
  • No passed public test programs by synthesis take more than 300 seconds to complete.

Simulation Passed tests:

  • haha.s
  • mult_no_lsq.s
  • rv32_btest1.s
  • rv32_btest2.s
  • rv32_copy.s
  • rv32_evens.s
  • rv32_evens_long.s
  • rv32_halt.s
  • rv32_parallel.s
  • rv32_copy_long.s
  • rv32_fib.s
  • rv32_fib_long.s
  • rv32_fib_rec.s
  • rv32_insertion.s
  • rv32_mult.s
  • rv32_saxpy.s
  • sampler.s
  • backtrack.c
  • basic_malloc.c
  • bfs.c
  • fc_forward.c
  • graph.c
  • insertionsort.c
  • mergesort.c
  • omegalul.c
  • priority_queue.c
  • alexnet.c
  • dft.c
  • matrix_mult_rec.c
  • outer_product.c
  • sort_search.c

Simulation Unpassed tests (wrong results):

  • quicksort.c

Synthesis Passed tests:

  • haha.s
  • mult_no_lsq.s
  • rv32_btest1.s
  • rv32_btest2.s
  • rv32_evens.s
  • rv32_evens_long.s
  • rv32_halt.s
  • rv32_fib.s
  • rv32_fib_long.s
  • rv32_fib_rec.s
  • rv32_insertion.s
  • backtrack.c
  • basic_malloc.c
  • bfs.c
  • graph.c
  • mergesort.c
  • omegalul.c
  • priority_queue.c

Synthesis Unpassed tests (wrong results):

  • rv32_copy.s
  • rv32_copy_long.s
  • rv32_mult.s
  • rv32_parallel.s
  • rv32_saxpy.s
  • sampler.s
  • alexnet.c
  • dft.c
  • fc_forward.c
  • insertionsort.c
  • matrix_mult_rec.c
  • outer_product.c
  • quicksort.c
  • sort_search.c