
Handle http request with controller

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Web Services Rapid Development

HTTP server side development for small or personal projects in a MVC-like way. In fact, it is suitable for most of the daily projects, I have used it to develop a number of online stable projects, very simple. The underlying framework of the HTTP service is based on Koa


npm i js-controller


// Import Library
import { runApp } from 'js-controller';
// Import configuration
  controllerRoot: 'path/to/controller',

runApp accepts an object of type AppConfig to configure the application, all optional except for the controllerRoot parameter, which is mandatory

interface AppConfig {
  // X-Forwarded-Host is supported when proxy is true, default is true
  proxy?: boolean;
  // Application Listening Port, default is 9000
  port?: number | string;
  // Controller root directory
  controllerRoot: string;
  // The default action is `index`
  defaultAction?: string;
  // action prefix hook name, default is 'beforeAction'
  beforeAction?: string;
  // Options for koa-body
  bodyOptions?: IKoaBodyOptions;
  // A function that is triggered when the application starts and is used to initialize some functions
  onStart?: () => Promise<void> | void;
  // custom middlewares for koa
  middlewares?: Middleware[];

For a complete example, please refer to the project under example directory

Controller Conventions

  • The controller is a JavaScript file
  • The controller file must have a default class export
  • The instance methods of the controller class are agreed to be actions
  • The controller file name and the action together form the route, which is case-insensitive
  • Actions can have a default value, which is configured in the startup portal via defaultAction or, if not specified, index.

For example: /module/article/search

The last part of the path search will be treated as the action name, and the previous part /module/article will be treated as the path to the controller file, which will eventually resolve to

  • Controller file: path/to/[controllerRootDir]/module/article.js
  • Action name: search

The corresponding controller file should look like the following, which can be found in the [example](. /example) directory for an example

// ES module. Controller file: article.ts
// Since routing is not case sensitive, the file names article.ts, Article.ts, arTicle.ts are fine
export default class {
  search() {
    // TODO

Controller filenames and action names are case-insensitive:

/module/ArtIcle/search  legal, controller is not case sensitive
/module/ArtIcle/seArch  legal, controller and action are case insensitive
/module/article/SeaRch  legal, actions are case insensitive

If search is configured as the default action, then the routes /module/article/search and /module/article are equivalent

Routing rules


The corresponding route is controller/action


The corresponding route is subdirectory/controller/action


The corresponding route is subdirectory/.../controller/action, Subdirectories can have unlimited levels

The directory structure is shown below.



Clone the project, run it at the same time

npm run ts
npm run dev