Dockerization of Organize-tool


A Dockerized version of the file management utility Organize

How to

Single Run

  • Put files into ./Input folder;
  • Rename ./config/config.exp.yaml to config.yaml;
  • Change config.yaml to match files;
  • Build docker image;
docker build -t docker-organize .
  • test execution;
docker-compose up docker-organize
  • view execution in ./log/organize.log;
  • if ready, change ./ "sim" to "run".


docker run -dit --rm --name docker-organize -v "/config/":/home/pi/.config/organize/ -v "/logs/":/var/log/organize/ -v "/Input/":/Input -v "/Output/":/Output docker-organize "* * * * *"

Moving from CRON to polling or inotify

use of entr, watching /Input dir, launch organize-tool on boot and for change made into the dir.