
"CycloSphere Bike Showroom: Explore a universe of cycling marvels. Discover bikes from KTM, Yamaha, Honda, Husqvarna, and Royal Enfield. Register for test rides and stay connected with the global cycling community. Developed by Alex Joyel Raj."

Primary LanguageHTML

Development Environment: Java, MySQL, HTML/CSS, Servlets, JSP

Tools: Eclipse IDE, MySQL Workbench, Tomcat Server

Role: Full Stack Developer

Technology: Java EE, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Servlets, JSP


The Motorcycle Showroom Management System is a web-based application designed to streamline the process of managing a motorcycle showroom. It provides a user-friendly interface for both customers and showroom staff to interact, browse different motorcycle brands and models, and facilitate the process of selecting a bike, registering for test drives, and submitting inquiries.


As a Full Stack Developer, I was responsible for designing, developing, and deploying the entire system, including both the frontend and backend components. My responsibilities included:

Database Design: Designing the MySQL database schema to store information about motorcycles, customer registrations, inquiries, and user authentication data.

Backend Development: Developing server-side logic using Java Servlets to handle customer registrations, login/authentication, and form submissions.

Frontend Development: Creating the user interface using HTML and CSS, presenting information about various motorcycle brands, models, and their details.

Form Handling: Implementing forms for customer registration, login, test drive requests, and inquiries.

Data Validation: Implementing data validation and sanitization to ensure data integrity and security.

User Authentication: Creating a secure login system using session management and validating user credentials against the database.

Dynamic Content Generation: Using JSP to dynamically generate pages, display motorcycle details, and handle form submissions.

Database Connectivity: Establishing JDBC connections to interact with the MySQL database for data retrieval, storage, and updates.

Deployment: Deploying the application on a Tomcat server for testing and production use.

User Experience: Ensuring a smooth user experience by providing clear navigation, error handling, and user-friendly interface elements.


The Motorcycle Showroom Management System aims to provide an efficient and user-friendly platform for customers to explore various motorcycle brands and models, register for test drives, and inquire about specific bikes. Showroom staff can manage customer registrations, respond to inquiries, and maintain an up-to-date catalog of available motorcycles.

Customers can register with their details, browse different motorcycle models, view specifications, and even schedule test drives. The system offers a secure login mechanism for customers to access their accounts.

This project demonstrates my skills in full-stack web development, encompassing database design, server-side scripting, frontend development, user authentication, and deployment. It offers an integrated solution for a motorcycle showroom to enhance customer engagement and streamline administrative tasks.