
A `grr` CLI tool to help use Joyent's CR tool, Gerrit (https://cr.joyent.us)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repo provides a single grr CLI tool to help with using Joyent's code review (CR) tool, Gerrit, at: https://cr.joyent.us/.

Grr is opinionated. The expected workflow is this:

  1. You call grr <issue> to tell grr to create a temporary local branch (grr-<issue>) for work on this issue (if you are currently on "master"), or to use your current branch (if you are already on a non-"master" branch). Grr will fetch issue details and remember them (in local git config). Optionally you can specify "extra issues" that your changes cover, via grr -a <extra-issue>. Those issues will be included in the commit message.
  2. You make one or more commits, git commit -am ..., for your change.
  3. You call grr to create/update the CR. Grr will squash the commits (in a temporary grr/auto/<issue> branch), push the commit (with the appropriate commit message) to cr.joyent.us, and remember the CR number.
  4. Get approvals for your CR, and/or cycle back to step #2.
  5. When you get approval, run grr one last time to update the commit message with "Reviewed by" and "Approved by" lines.
  6. Integrate your change (in the web UI, grr doesn't yet do this), then use grr -D to clean up (delete the grr-<issue> branch and switch back to master).

See this example for a walk through.


npm install -g joyent-grr

Verify that it is installed and on your PATH:

$ grr --version
grr 1.2.0

You'll need to setup your account in Joyent's Gerrit by following the steps at https://github.com/joyent/joyent-gerrit/blob/master/docs/user/README.md#new-user-instructions

Development Hooks

Before commiting be sure to, at least:

make check      # lint and style checks
make test       # run tests

A good way to do that is to install the stock pre-commit hook in your clone via:

make git-hooks


MPL 2.0