Face-preprocess-tools is a collection of tools for preprocessing face images. Images will go through FaceDetection
, FaceAlignment
, FaceCropping
-> FaceAlignment
-> FaceCropping
: a list file, which contains image file paths.
a list file, which records successful detection.faceDetection.error
: a list file, which records error detection.boundingbox.list
: a list file, which contains bounding box information of successful detection images.
$ cat imageList.txt
$ python FaceDetection/faceDetector.py imageList.txt
FaceDetection Done!
Two parts:
- Landmark Detection
- Face Alignment
Landmark Detection
: the output fileboundingbox.list
of FaceDetection process.
: a list file, which contains five facial points of face images listed inboundingbox.list
$cat boundingbox.list
/workspace/datasets/CASIA-WebFace/5587543/001.jpg 47 203 46 202
/workspace/datasets/CASIA-WebFace/5587543/002.jpg 39 195 51 207
$ python FaceAlignment/detectLandmark.py boundingbox.list
LandmarkDetection Done!
Face Alignment
: the output filelandmark.list
of Landmark Detection process.PATH_Aligned_image_dir
: the destination directory path of aligned output images.
: a list file, which records successful alignment.Aligned_image_dir
: a directory, which contains the aligned output images listed infaceAlignemnt.list
$ cat landmark.list
/workspace/datasets/CASIA-WebFace/5587543/001.jpg 98.1535536766 111.477871895 155.723092651 106.953521013 130.264041901 137.168443489 103.697720623 165.793231583 153.124426651 165.626620483
/workspace/datasets/CASIA-WebFace/5587543/002.jpg 80.4625348091 113.501712513 137.962782669 107.797487926 101.989186478 146.925302696 89.6215407372 172.050915527 136.488462639 161.69779644
$ python FaceAlignment/alignment.py landmark.list CASIA-WebFace-Aligned
FaceAlignment Done!
: the output filefaceAlignment.list
of Face Alignment process.PATH_Cropped_image_dir
: the destination directory path of cropped output images.dst_width
: the width of cropped output images.dst_heigh
: the height of cropped output images.
: a directory, which contains the cropped output images listed infaceAlignemnt.list
$ cat faceAlignment.list
$ python FaceCropping/facecrop.py faceAlignment.list CASIA-WebFace-Cropped 62 62
FaceCropping Done!
[1]. zhangjie, luoyetx/deep-landmark, 2016-01-26
[2]. RiweiChen, RiweiChen/FaceTools, 2016-03-11