
Library for aes dukpt encryption

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Android AES DUKPT Library with Secure Shared Preferences

Implementation of the ANSI AES DUKPT standard: specified within Retail Financial Services Symmetric Key Management Part 3: Using Symmetric Techniques (ANSI X9.24-3:2017).

Note: Only DATA and PIN encryption.

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With Kotlin

⚙️ How to install

  1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

     allprojects {
     	repositories {
     		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  2. Add the dependency:

     dependencies {
     	implementation 'com.github.joyner-perez:aes-dukpt-android:1.3.1'

🕹 How to use with Kotlin

val implDukpt = instance
val result = implDukpt!!.saveInitialKey(this, "test", "1273671EA26AC29AFA4D1084127652A1", KType.AES128, "1234567890123456")
Log.d("CREATED INITIAL KEY", if (result) "SUCCESS" else "ERROR")

val encriptedResult = implDukpt.encriptDataWithDUKPT(this, "test", "A912150391AB65A67E52883D81CE2D15", EncriptVariant.PIN, KType.AES128)
if (encriptedResult != null) {
	Log.d("DATA ENCRYPTED", encriptedResult.dataEncripted)
	Log.d("KSN VALUE", encriptedResult.ksnUsed)

🕹 How to use with Java

ImplDukpt implDukpt = ImplDukpt.getInstance();
boolean result = implDukpt.saveInitialKey(this, "test", "1273671EA26AC29AFA4D1084127652A1", KType.AES128, "1234567890123456");

EncriptedResult encriptedResult = implDukpt.encriptDataWithDUKPT(this, "test", "1234567890", EncriptVariant.DATA, KType.AES128);
if (encriptedResult != null) {
    Log.d("DATA ENCRYPTED", encriptedResult.getDataEncripted());
    Log.d("KSN VALUE", encriptedResult.getKsnUsed());

👀 Be careful

Derived Working Key AES-128 BDK AES-192 BDK AES-256 BDK
2TDEA Working Key Allowed Allowed Allowed
3TDEA Working Key Allowed Allowed Allowed
AES-128 Working Key Allowed Allowed Allowed
AES-192 Working Key Not Allowed Allowed Allowed
AES-256 Working Key Not Allowed Not Allowed Allowed