This is a set of tools which can read sampled MSX tapes and convert them to the standard .cas format and back to .wav samples. This package consist of three tools: wav2cas, cas2wav and casdir.
- awol2007
- barreyraGoogle
- christofmucMunich, Germany
- CodeAsmThe Netherlands
- DarwinNEGrenoble, France
- edgar-gip
- eudemo
- fabrizziosoares
- firebitsbrUniverse
- GrimmVoid
- gseidlerNova Lima, MG, Brazil
- hata6502Helpfeel, inc.
- hilvarenbeekGoirle, The Netherlands
- humbertombUniversidad de Murcia
- janaite
- josxCambá
- jrzAmsterdam
- LasDesu
- ManoShu
- markaudacityHouston TX
- McDutchie
- nataliapcMadrid
- oborocToronto, Ontario, Canada
- outworlderSan Francisco Bay Area
- peternowee
- plattysoftPlatty Soft
- raf-against-tmSopra Steria
- Redlolznowhere
- RenHoekNL
- TamakichiJapan
- tangent3DSeattle, WA
- theNestruoSpain
- usr97629238
- WildPenquin
- wilsonpilonWIB Projetos (Cybernostra, Inc)