

Primary LanguagePython

more algorithms

int1.py - Median of Arrays

int3.py - Given a matrix, find path from top left to bottom right with the greatest product

int4.py - Given an array , each value 1 <= x <= len(array), find all the duplicates in the array.

int5.py - Given an unsorted array, find the length of the longest sequence of consecutive numbers

int6.py - Given a boolean matrix, update row,col to True with cell is True

int7.py - Find sub-square-matrix of all 1s

int8*py - Merge k sorted array (8a using minHeap)

int9.py - Matrix Search

int10.py - Merge 2 sorted arrays w/o new space

int11.py - Fins subarrays whose sum is zero

int12.py - Return all permutations

int13.py - N Stacks, given capacity of array, No stack should be full unless the entire array is full.

int14.py - Anagram

int15.py - Build order of packages

int16.py - Shortest Path in a graph

int17.py - Select random node from a binary tree

int18.py - Lowest Common Ancestor in a tree

int19.py - sum without using arithmetic operators

int20.py - Reverse stack

int21.py - Tree to Doubly Linked List

int22.py - Longest consecutive branch

int23.py - Reverse a linked List

int26.py - Number of coins

int27.py - Inorder travelsal without recursion

int28.py - Sort Stack using another stack

int29.py - Implement push/pop using queue

int30.py - Is linked list a palindrome

int31.py - Max stack - max() should return max element in o(1), pop,push in o(1)

algo32/2.py - Find 2 missing numbers from a given sequence

algo34.py - Swap numbers without additional variables

algo38.py - Linked List cycle?

algo42 - Nth to the Last Element

algo43_three_sum - all sets of 3 numbers whose sum is 0

algo44_tree_level_order - Tree Level Order