recursion-dynamic-programing - Given array of integers, recursive code to add sum of all previous numbers - recursive and nonrecursive function to calculate factorial of n ^ 2 - total number of ways to move from top left cell to the bottom rigt - print table of n as recirsive function

fib - fibonacci

min_cost - Find the min cost to reach 2,3 of a matrix

fill_plot - filling a plot of given size with a tile of given size

score_game - can score 3, 5, 10 . Given N, find total number of unique ways to reach N

max_sum_array - the max sum of sub array such that the elements are contiguos

edit_distance - Insert, Replace, Update

ways_top_bottom - Given matrix, find # of ways to move from top left to bottom right corner

ways_to_xy - Given matrix, find # of ways to move from top left to xy coordinates

ways_to_xy_block - Given a matrix, find no of ways to reach from 0,0 to x,y with some nodes blocked

min_chess_move - Find minimum # of moves required to reach from sr,sc to dr,dc

interleaved_strings - 2 string a = xyz and b = abcd is said to be interleaving c = xabycxd

interleaved_strings_print - given 2 strings, print all the interleavings of the string

interleaved_strings_different - if both strings different, find if interleaved with Time - O(n+m) and Space - O(1)

subset_sum - For X, if there exist a sum of subset = X

longest_common_sub - longest common subset given two strings - longest palindromic subsequence - partition string such that every subsring of the partition is a palindrome. - find the min # of coins required to provide the change

mono_incr_max_len - return the length of the largest monotonically increasing subsequence

mono_incr_max_len_print - print longets monotonically incrementing subsequence of an array - if a seq is bitonic or not - print the longest bitonic sequence - total number of ways we can make change of the amount using the coins of given denominations - how should the rod be cut to maximize the income - Knapsack, unlimited # of each items - Problem in Weights[n], int Values[n] - longest palindromic subsequence - the largest square subarray of true values - min number of drops required to know form which floor the egg will break - same a previous, we are printing the floors too - Given a number n, the task is to find n’th Ugly number. - Find the color with largest continuous string - Paritioning/divide array such that left and right sums are same - Given two cities can we reach from city1 to city2 using public transport - longest palindrome

dp_fib - finbonacci series

dp_gridTraveller - Travelling grids

dp_canSum - Target number and array of numbers

dp_howSum - target sum and array of numbers - how it is reached

dp_bestSum - target sum and array of numbers - the shortest path in which it can reach the sum

dp_canConstruct - Given a target string, can we construct the target string from the given set of wordbank

dp_countConstruct - Given a target string, Count the # of ways, we construct the target string from the given set of wordbank

dp_allconstruct - Given a target string, list all ways can we construct the target string from the given set of wordbank