
Arbitrage between exchange

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

How it works

  1. Every 3 seconds, the Arbitrager fetches quotes from all configured brokers.
  2. Filters out quotes that are not usable for arbitrage. For example, if MaxShortPosition config is 0 and the current position is 0 for a broker, ask quotes for the broker are filtered out.
  3. Calculates best ask and best bid. If the spread is not inverted, there is no arbitrage opportunity, so the arbitrager waits for the next iteration.
  4. Verifies if there is enough expected profit. If the expected profit is smaller than MinTargetProfit config, the Arbitrager waits for the next iteration.
  5. Arbitrage the spread by sending a buy leg and a sell leg to each broker.
  6. With 3 seconds interval, the Arbitrager checks if the legs are filled or not.
  7. If the both legs are filled, shows the profit.


All configurations are stored in config.json.

Global Config

Name Values Description
DemoMode true or false If it's True, the arbitrager analyzes spreads but doesn't send any trade.
PriceMergeSize integer Merges small quotes into the specified price ladder before analyzing arbitrage opportunity.
MaxSize decimal Maximum BTC size to be sent to a broker.
MinSize decimal Minimum BTC size to be sent to a broker.
MinTargetProfit Integer Minimum size to try to arbitrage.
IterationInterval Millisecond Time lapse in milliseconds of an iteration. When it's set to 3000, the quotes fetch and the spreads analysis for all the brokers are done every 3 seconds
PositionRefreshInterval Millisecond Time lapse in milliseconds of position data refresh. Position data is used to check max exposure and long/short availability for each broker.
SleepAfterSend Millisecond Time lapse in milliseconds after one arbitrage is done.
MaxNetExposure decimal Maximum total net exposure. If net exposure qty is larger than this value, Arbitrager stops.
MaxRetryCount integer Maximum retry count to check if arbitrage orders are filled or not. If the orders are not filled after the retries, Arbitrager tries to cancel the orders and continues.
OrderStatusCheckInterval Millisecond Time lapse in milliseconds to check if arbitrage orders are filled or not.

Broker config

Name Values Description
Broker Bitflyer, Quoine or Coincheck Broker enum
Enabled true or false Enable the broker for arbitrage
Key string Broker API Key or Token
Secret string BrokerAPI Secret
MaxLongPosition decimal Maximum long position allowed for the broker.
MaxShortPosition decimal Maximum short position allowed for the broker
CashMarginType Cash, MarginOpen, MarginClose, NetOut Arbitrage order type. Currently, this option is not fully supported. Please do not change from the default values.


Log files

All log files are saved under logs directory. To configure logging, edit nlog.conf.

Running the tests

Run unit tests under Rinjani.Tests project. The unit tests are safely executed with mocks, not against real exchange API.

To run unsafe tests against real exchange API, comment out Ignore attributes in BrokerApiTest.cs file.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Blackbird, which targets US exchanges.