
Demo Video

This is a demo React Native live streaming application built with the API. It can serve as a starting point for building cross-platform mobile live streaming apps.


cd ios && pod install && cd ..



To run on android simulator, use the following command:

yarn android


In order to use the broadcasting functionality, you'll need to run the app on an actual ios device:

npx react-native run-ios --device DEVICE_NAME

If you just want to run the app in a simulator, everything else should still work as intended with the following command:

yarn ios


pod install is failing

If you run into issues running pod install on macOS, try updating with the following command:

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

nvm and XCode 12

If you run into issues finding node during build time, you may be a victim of this issue.

Commenting out all of the bash code in node_modules/react-native/scripts/ worked for me, but I also have to remember to do it each time I install a new dependency.

Assets aren't loading properly

You may need to run react-native-asset. The docs can be found here.