
This codes reads .proto files and generates codes for Android in Java and back-end in Go. This is an internal tool

Primary LanguageGo


Rust version here

Parses Protocol Buffer files and generates codes for Go and Java. It produces RPC service Interfaces, default implementations, idiomatic code. The generated code is like gRPC but with more capabilities and customized network and error handling. The network has been implemented on top of WebSocket and on the fly can change to HTTP. The result is a consistent code base, that reduces a lot of boilerplate codes, and has significantly reduced API implementation time, and freedom to test with more features, and more API methods. If the API method is not implemented it will be a compile time error. Single source of trust.

Sample output

Real world out put code of this code genrator: From this .proto files: https://github.com/jozn/sun2/tree/master/shared/proto

Android: https://github.com/jozn/ms_native/tree/master/app/src/main/java/ir/ms/pb

Fo backend Go: