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Tutum Connector for

This gem provides Tutum actions through your workflow. It was built with the factor-connector-api gem.


In order to make requests, you must obtain your API key. Log onto Tutum, click on the menu on the upper right corner of the page and click Account info. You should then see the Api Key selection.


Add this to your Gemfile in your Connector.

gem 'factor-connector-tutum', '~> 0.0.1'

Add this to your init.rb file.

require 'factor/connector/tutum_service'
require 'factor/connector/tutum_container'
require 'factor/connector/tutum_cluster'
require 'factor/connector/tutum_node'

The Connectors README shows you how to run the Connector Server with this new connector integrated.


Setup your workflow: To use the connector in your workflow when you run factor s you must setup your credentials.yml and connectors.yml files.



Further examples are provided in the Actions and Listeners wiki.


Using your terminal to test locally, you must set up two environmental variables.

$ export TUTUM_USERNAME=<username>
$ export TUTUM_API_KEY=<api_key>

Then, you can bundle and run the tests.

$ bundle exec rake


Documentation, feature requests, code, tests, and bug reports are welcomed. Click here for more information.