To create a high-availability DevOps infrastructure for an e-commerce application, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create the cluster (EC2 instances with load balancer and elastic IP in case of AWS)

    Set up an AWS account and create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with multiple subnets across different availability zones. Launch EC2 instances in the VPC and distribute them across the availability zones. Create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and configure it to distribute traffic among the EC2 instances. Allocate an Elastic IP address and associate it with the ALB4 5 .

  2. Automate the provisioning of an EC2 instance using Ansible, Chef, or Puppet

    Choose a configuration management tool (Ansible, Chef, or Puppet) and set up the necessary environment. Write playbooks, recipes, or manifests to automate the provisioning of EC2 instances, including the installation of required software and dependencies.

  3. Install Docker and Kubernetes on the cluster

    Install Docker on the EC2 instances using the configuration management tool. Set up a Kubernetes cluster using tools like kops or kubeadm. Configure the Kubernetes cluster to use the EC2 instances as worker nodes.

  4. Implement network policies at the database pod

    Create a Kubernetes network policy to allow ingress traffic from the front-end application pod to the database pod. Apply the network policy to the Kubernetes cluster.

  5. Create a new user with permissions to manage pods

    Create a Kubernetes Role with the required permissions (create, list, get, update, and delete pods). Create a RoleBinding to bind the Role to a new user.

  6. Configure the application on the pod

    Create Kubernetes manifests (Deployment, Service, etc.) for the e-commerce application and database. Apply the manifests to the Kubernetes cluster to deploy the application and database.

  7. Take a snapshot of the ETCD database

    Configure a backup solution for the ETCD database, such as etcd-backup-operator or Velero. Schedule regular snapshots of the ETCD database.

  8. Set up auto-scaling based on CPU usage

    Configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) in Kubernetes to scale the application based on CPU usage. Set the target CPU usage to 50% for the HPA to trigger auto-scaling.

Remember to document the steps and algorithms, create test cases, execute them, and record the results.