This repository sole purpose is for installation of the application.
The source code was developed mainly in this repository.
This was done by
1. Copy webapps, .keystore and conf folders to Tomcat main folder. (In case you want to keep your conf/server.xml file intact do a backup before overwritting).
2. Edit the port from scripts/script.json to your current mongoDB port. Do the same on webapps/authenticator/config.json.
Example script.json port change:
db = connect("localhost:MYMONGODBPORT/demo");
3. Open command prompt and type mongo to open mongo. (In case environment variable isnt set check troubleshooting section bellow).
4. After opening mongo type the following command to load the script to make the initial DB with the root account:
5. Run tomcat and access the webapp via localhost:8181(or your defined port)/authenticator to be redirected to the login page.
The root account credentials are the following:
- Username: root
- Password: lcaires
Prob: I can't run mongo on my command line/shell and I have MongoDB installed.
Platform | Solution |
Windows | Make sure that the bin folder of MongoDB is in the Path of Environment Variables |
Linux | If you have installed it but the execution of mongo halts, make sure that these steps were followed correctly and if the problem persists try getting help from here. |