
Big Idea: Web Wormhole

thousand opened this issue · 2 comments

Web Wormhole is a web app that can take data produced by slash commands in discord. AGIMUS can return a URL with encoded data for the user to open directly, or produce chunks of encoded data that the user copy/pastes into a buffer.


  • Discord limitation of 4096 character messages in embed (and smaller in other places that would offer nicer UI)
  • Make web client completely static/standalone for ease of hosting (potentially GHP?)
  • Authenticate discord user in web client

Work Items:

  • MessagePack data format, URL encoded
  • Transaction system for multi-part payloads
    • Checksum on data completion
    • AGIMUS tracking transaction status?
  • Data chunking/multi-part payloads
  • LocalStorage in web app to accumulate chunks

Other ideas likely supported by this: