
POSTSTATS - Simple E-Mail Statistics for Linux Postfix E-Mail Server

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

poststats Codacy Badge version

Nearly every Linux Server owner is running his own Postfix Mailserver. Securely sending emails becomes more and more complicated over time. Statistics on the Postfix Mailserver can currently only be accessed via Mailgraph. We provide an alternative presentation by e-mail. The software is developed in Bash for performance reasons and is very easy to install. We are looking forward to your feedback!


  • Reading multiple Log Files
  • Modern HTML Template
  • Superfast written in BASH
  • Reading files with grep instead of line by line


  1. Clone repository using git clone https://github.com/jpylypiw/poststats.git or download whole repository into a previously created folder using wget https://github.com/jpylypiw/poststats/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip
  2. Copy configuration Example to configuration file using cp poststats.cfg.example poststats.cfg
  3. Edit configuration file. You can find instructions in configuration file.
  4. Create Crontab for your favorite user. The user needs read permission on the logfiles provided in configuration file. A sample crontab could look like:
0 6 * * * /bin/bash /opt/poststats/poststats.sh >/dev/null 2>&1


poststats is licensed under the MIT License.

It is not using any 3rd Party Tools. Please check its License.


Screenshot 1: Responsive HTML E-Mail with Statistics


1.1.0 (2019-12-29)


  • Changed from MIT to GPL-3 license
  • checked the shellscript using shellcheck
  • moved the html template from a shell file to a html file for a improved editing experience
  • changed configuration example:
    • added first rotated file to file check list (got a empty email on sunday because the logfile was already rotated)
    • added a space between name and email address (rspamd complained about R_NO_SPACE_IN_FROM)
  • added rspamd logfile and count of action types


  • IP address lookup was only searching for interface eth0 and is searching for all interfaces now
  • using grep for process searching was very ineffective. I switched to pgrep which brings a better result

1.0.0 (2017-12-16)


  • First Commit
  • Project Initialization
  • Add E-Mail Template
  • Add Configuration
  • Add Codacy Check