
This project implements some basic functionalities of camel integration between 2 microservices.

Primary LanguageJava


This project implements some basic functionalities of camel integration between 2 microservices.


  • from()
  • to()
  • log()
  • process()
  • transform()
  • unmarshal()
  • Active Mq
  • docker
  • timer
  • file


  • An Active Mq instance is launched as a docker container where messages will be queued.
  • Microservice A sends messages/files to the Active Mq using Camel Integration to Active Mq endpoint.
  • The queued data is then fetched by Microservice B from Active Mq endpoint for further processing, transformation and transmission to another endpoint that might be a database or file-server.
  • Inside Microservice B, Json data that is fetched, is unmarshalled (extracted), transfomed to JAVA object and then sent to different endpoints for further processing.

EIP Patterns


  It executes each instructuion sequentially


  It refers to transmitting the data to mutiple endpoints.


  It lets us to split the message body according to conditions and delimiters and then transmsit it.
  Eg : Csv files body can be divided into seperate lines and each line can be divided into seperate data based on "," (comma) delimiter.

Content-Based Routing

 We can check the type of message body and transmsit it accordingly.


 We can group sub-data of message body on the basis of certain conditions and transmsit it to its appropriate endpoint.

Routing Slip

 It lets us to dynamically decide which endpoint to route the data to. A custom logic is written to achieve this.

Dynamic Routing

 After each step of message processing, we decide which endpoint to route the current message state to and route it accordingly.