
This Terraform module simplifies creating cloudwatch alarms for a cloudfront distribution.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Terraform AWS Cloudfront Cloudwatch Alarms

This module creates a set of alarms and attaches them to a cloudfront distribution. Alarms for the following metrics are supported:

  • Requests
  • BytesDownloaded
  • BytesUploaded
  • TotalErrorRate
  • 4xxErrorRate
  • 5xxErrorRate

See Amazon CloudFront Metrics and Dimensions for more information about these metrics.

See the variables.tf file in the module folder for more information on the module parameters.


module "sample_monitors" {
  source     = "vistaprint/cloudfront-cloudwatch-alarms/aws"
  domain   = "www.example.com"
  distribution_id = "${aws_cloudfront_distribution.example_distribution.id}"

  alarms = {
    "4xxErrorRate" = {
      threshold = 5 #(%)
    "5xxErrorRate" = {
      threshold = 1 #(%)


The alarms name is prefixed with the domain name and the distributionid. For example, the 4xxError alarm will be called example.com-E12312QH8BVRIY-4xxErrorRate.

Cloudfront distributions are Global but all metrics and alarms must be set in N. Virginia (us-east-1).


This module uses the terraform-module-testing framework. After making some changes run rake preflight from the root of the repository to run all tests for the module. This will require:

  • A config file in test\cloudfront-cloudwatch-monitors\config\config-dev.yml
terraform-version: 0.11.0
project-name: cloudfront cloudwatch monitors tests
  profile: <profile>
  region: <region>
  • A secrets file in test\cloudfront-cloudwatch-monitors\secrets.yml:
region: <region>
aws_access_key_id: <access_key_id>
aws_secret_access_key:  <secret_access_key>