- Author: Stephen Brennan
- Version: Prerelease
- Homepage: https://github.com/brenns10/libstephen
- Tool site: http://brennan.io/libstephen
- License: Revised BSD
libstephen is a C library that provides a number of basic tools for C programming. I primarily started it so I could implement some data structures in C, and now it is the basis for some of my other C programming projects. Its features include:
Data Structures
- Linked list (ll)
- Array list (al)
- Hash table (ht)
- Bit field (bf)
- Character buffer (similar to a string builder in Java)
- Unit testing framework (su)
- Command line argument parser
- Logging framework
- Regular expressions
This project is built with CMake. Typical usage involves creating a build
directory (mkdir build
), entering it (cd build
), running CMake on the source
directory (cmake ..
), and finally compiling with make (make
The more compact way is to run:
cmake -Bbuild -H. && cmake --build build
Even though I use CMake, I still have a Makefile to automate CMake tasks, so you
can do make release
and make debug
to automatically CMake and build those
configurations, and make test
to CMake, build, and run some tests in the debug
If you want documentation on this library, well you're in luck! One of the things I have experimented with is automatically producing and publishing up-to-date documentation. You can find documentation up-to-date with master in the documentation section of the tool site. This includes both tutorial/commentary style documentation, as well as function-level documentation generated from the code.
You can generate this documentation yourself by running the command make doc
in the project root directory. This requires CMake, Doxygen, Python, Sphinx, and
the sphinx-rtd-theme to be installed.
Test Coverage
This library uses its own unit testing framework to test itself. Coverage
information is recorded by the program gcov
, aggregated by the program lcov
and converted into a very nice HTML file by genhtml
. This is very useful for
detecting what code needs tests. To generate test coverage information, run the
following command. at the project root:
$ make cov
At which point you can open the file cov/index.html
in a browser and view the
test coverage info. Alternatively, you can find the latest test coverage
information on the libstephen tool site.
My most up-to-date ideas are now maintained on the GitHub Issues
Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Stephen Brennan. All rights reserved. Released under the Revised BSD license. See LICENSE.txt for details.