#Restaurant Menu
RestaurantMenu By Jonathan Pacheco for Grability
- Xcode 6, iOS 7+
- Objective-C
- AutoLayout and Size Class
- Universal Application
- Cocoapods
- Clone the project in your prefered folder, write in your terminal
cd yourfolder
mkdir yourfolder_project
git clone https://github.com/jpachecou/RestaurantMenu.git
- Install and configure cocoapods. For install, run command
sudo gem install cocoapods
- Run command
pod install
Development test iOS
Make the build of the views of a menu consists for categories, subcategories and items.
Customer specifications are:
iOS 7+
Universal Application (iPhone y iPad)
Landscape iPhone orientation
Portrait iPad orientation
The application has to work offline and online.
The menu view is required in grids (iPad)
Should has "Cool" animations between the views
The application may be changing in the graphic design of the views.
The future application will be able to add new modules.
###Notes: Personal service created by me was used to provide data and not have to write it in code