
Python homework assignment for CS 2001, Contemporary Programming Languages.

Primary LanguagePython

Team Rocket Bag-smith

This project contains a Python program designed to aid in bypassing the security layers of Bag(TM). Documentation for its behavior can be found publicly here: http://cpl.mwisely.xyz To verify that the code works properly, you must complete any partial test functions that are given.

Note: Do NOT change any function names or argument lists in main.py. Doing so will break the existing, complete test suite.

Regarding Tests

The starter code includes a shell test file for your program. You must complete the existing test functions. You are also welcome to write your own.

Consider using example data from the assignment posting, as well as coming up with your own.

It is going to be difficult to test any function that uses the input() function, so do not worry about those functions. You can verify their behavior by modifying check_expectations.py.

Running Your Tests

Tests for this program have been written using pytest. In order to run these tests, you must have access to a pytest executable. We understand some of our agents do not have access to machines with pytest installed. Thus, a script has been included to install (if necessary) and run pytest automatically. This script creates a virtual environment within the project so that no system files are affected.

To run the tests, use the script as shown below:

# Assuming that you are at the top directory of your project

Note: this will work on campus machines. If you use your own machine, you are on your own.

Checking Your Style

Meowth loves PEP 0008.

A script has been included to install (if necessary) and run flake8 automatically. flake8 is a PEP 0008 checker and Python linter.

To check your style with flake8, do the following:

# Assuming that you are at the top directory of your project

Running the Program

To run the Bag-smith program interactively, do the following:

# Assuming that you are at the top directory of your project
python3.4 main.py

To run it with predefined inputs, do the following:

# Assuming that you are at the top directory of your project
python3.4 check_expectations.py

You are welcome to modify the check_expectations.py program as you wish. This is a very useful tool for speeding up the development process. No need to type the same input over and over and over and over again. Let the computer do it for you. It is 2016 for pete's sake.