
Google Analytics snippet to get real time data access.

Google Analytics Real Time API snippet

Google Analytics snippet to get real time data access.

This little example is extracted from that provided by Google, but given that I had some troubles on it (like having the correct values for the OAuth authentication, developer key), and wanted to get just the exact number of current visitors on the web site I am tracking, I wanted to share it.

How to get it working?

First of all, you have to request a Real Time API access, now in beta. When you receive the notification email, you can then use this snippet to get -if you do not modify it- the current number of visiting users to your web site.

This snippet expects some data to be updated in the


file by you. In particular:

/* From your Google Analytics dashboard, generate a client access key
 * of type web browser, and paste the values appear for your client below.
 * The URL you have to set there is the URL of your script index.php
define('CLIENT_ID', true);
define('CLIENT_SECRET', true);
define('REDIRECT_URL', true);
/* You can extract your developer key from the URL when visiting your
 * Google Analytics panel. The URL will finish in a form like this:
 * "https://www.google.com/analytics/web/{some stuff here}/a{numbersA}w{numbersW}p{numbersP}/".
 * Your developer key is the part {numbersP}. Copy those numbers below.
define('DEVELOPER_KEY', true);
/* You have to get the view ID from your Google Analytics dashboard.
define('VIEW_ID', true);

You have to replace any true value by the corresponding value stated in the preceeding comment. Once you have all the values typed there, you can then visit the index.php page from web browser and see it working.

Limits and penalties

You MUST remember that, as Google Real Time API states, you can only do a request every 30 seconds. Otherwise, Google can ban your Real Time data access.


My snipped code is distributed under GPL v3, and the Google code under Apache license and all that code remains unmodified, under the lib/ directory.


2013 onwards Jordi Pujol-Ahulló jpahullo@gmail.com