This plugin help us using multilanguage on our Zend Framework 2 application. It provides us an API and a config. This config will be fundamental for correct working.
To install this module you must follow this steps:
1 - In your composer.json
you must write:
"require": {
"sred/zf2languages" : "dev-master"
"autoload": {
"zf2languages\\" : "vendor/sred/zf2languages"
2 - Then you must run the following command line: composer update
3 - Also run the command composer dump-autoload
4 - And the last one step is adding the module to your application.conf.php
'modules' => array(
To use this plugin you must make a config like the following:
'languages' => array(
'all' => array(
'ca' => 'Catalan',
'es' => 'Spanish',
'en' => 'English',
'default' => array(
'browser' => array(
'set_lang_from_browser' => true,
In all
array you must have the key and the translation of this key. For example: 'en' => 'English'.
In default
language you must have the key of the default language.
In browser
array you must have defined if you want to get language from browser configuration or not.
It is very easy using this plugin. We provide a Helper and a Plugin so in the view or controllers you only must write :
If you want to use it out of view and controllers, we provide a Factory of Languages. So you only must write:
$languages = $serviceManager->get('languages');
and you'll have all the functions available.
-> This method will return if parameter is equals to default language defined on config(key).
-> This method will return the default language defined on our config file.
-> This method will return the array defined on our config with the key 'all'. (keys and translations).
-> Given a key of a language, this method will return the translation of that key.
-> Given a key this method will return if this language is defined or not.
updateCookie($serviceManager, $lang)
-> This method will help us to create a cookie with language defined on our application.
-> This method will give to us the language depending on the language on our browser or cookie.