
concede to the power of git stash

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Git Restash

Use git stash and save all changes to a stash file for moving to anoteher branch


When you need to transfer your last commit and forgot that you're on main (whoops! that's okay - it happens!) you'd normally do this:

  1. Hard Reset recent commit from the index to working tree (git reset --hard HEAD~X, where X is the number of commits back)
  2. git checkout -b main-infected
  3. git checkout main
  4. git pull
  5. git cherry-pick (commits from main-old) or do copy pasting (tbh, used to do this!)

There's actually a simpler way:

  1. Simply reset softly your changes which will keep your recent changes in the current working directory, then stash the changes.
  2. Checkout a new branch
  3. Run stash pop or stash apply.

Here is source code of the script:

Step 1: Check response of the user:

# This is the main script of restash.sh
# here we check if the reply is = Y or y
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] 

Step 2: Reset to previous commit

# This is the THEN statement of the reply above
# then
   echo  "Will now reset to the previous commit (~= HEAD~1) and stash the changes (into working dir)"  # (optional) move to a new line
   # 1. we reset to the previous commit ~= HEAD~1, which means your one last log commit
   git reset --quiet $PREV_COMMIT

Step 3:run git stash

Stashes everything

   T_NOW=$(date +"%H:%M")

   git stash --include-untracked --quiet save "stashed back HEAD~$DEFAULT_PREV_NUM changes at $T_NOW \n\n\n" # TODO: Add include-untracked or -u to include unstashed files
   # uncomment  below to start with a clean slate again (skips cleaning .env files for laravel or other frameworks)
   # git clean -e *.env* -df
  echo "Aborting..."   

Step 4: Make a new branch and pop the stash

There's a new command called git-switch. Then apply the changes you've stashed using git-stash.

# This is not scripted, we dont know what branch you want to branch out to:
git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch 
# Or you might want to try the git-switch: git switch -c my-new-feature-branch

git stash pop

Screen Shot

useful git commands

Viewing git status:

git status && git log -n 1

Stash with untracked files:

git stash -u

Reset any local and staged changes

This is actually a git configuration, you only need to run once to set it globally and you can use it with git wag.

git config --global alias.wag "!git reset --hard && git clean -df"

Originally it was nah but I prefer wag. Wag means "Do not" in the Filipino language, and also refers to a meme "Wag mong subukan masisira ang buhay mo".

Git sync

git stash && git checkout master && git fetch --all && git pull --rebase`

then, to get back your stashed code:

git stash apply


  • [] Allow user to either stash the working directory or just create a patch
  • Allow user to view first with git log (added how to note)