- 7
Proposal for Changes to `autoload/slime.vim`
#417 opened by jam1015 - 7
- 3
- 3
tmux empty paste corner case
#443 opened by williamjameshandley - 6
- 2
made three pull requests
#442 opened by jam1015 - 3
Not working on ARM Macbook
#437 opened by radlyeel - 6
- 4
Send code to qtconsole?
#377 opened by ANP-Oxy - 6
- 7
- 6
- 1
working with ConqueTerm
#425 opened by pinggit - 3
idea: I would like to switch between tmux and nvim
#378 opened by asdf8601 - 3
- 3
Additional 'return' required when sending indented, commented code to ipython
#418 opened by xxyxxyxyx1 - 4
neovim tmux in msys2 in windows
#404 opened by Yousuf28 - 5
kitty slime broken in kitty v0.32
#412 opened by xxyxxyxyx1 - 0
WezTerm Pane Direction ID has trailing whitespace
#413 opened by tbung - 1
- 1
Naming convention inconsistency
#409 opened by raffaem - 10
Can SlimeConfig apply to all vim buffers
#407 opened by Praful - 1
Issue #23 returns
#406 opened by markjreed - 4
Option to change bracket paste delimiters
#402 opened by ptonner - 5
Run vimscript commands interactively
#405 opened by dam9000 - 2
<C-c><Text object>
#395 opened by YodaEmbedding - 2
How to send <Ctrl-C> via tmux?
#389 opened by sieste - 2
send to multiple panes
#388 opened by pinggit - 3
Bracketed paste not working with zellij
#379 opened by sourproton - 8
Cursor returns to the beginning of a selection when sending code from a script in one tmux pane to the terminal in the other terminal pane.
#383 opened by nickeisenberg - 2
Kitty send text to current window
#381 opened by 00sapo - 4
- 7
Inaccurate documentation on kitty
#350 opened by newptcai - 3
- 4
Vim-slime not working with IPython
#368 opened by jlc-backsbag - 20
Issue using with wezterm+ipython
#373 opened by MadFisa - 0
Support Windows Terminal Preview
#376 opened by sleepyhollo - 2
Question with vimterminal
#371 opened by jiz4oh - 4
About the verbose version of `SlimeSend` that always prompt the users for the output pane.
#370 opened by nyngwang - 0
jpalardy is my big brother now
#369 opened by nyngwang - 9
Bug: vim-slime creates an empty directory when using shell environment variables in config file
#365 opened by maisevector - 2
- 4
- 3
Does vim-slime need to be properly shutdown?
#359 opened by ea42gh - 6
commit 7d0cb34ccaa42fb683969ea10a7171845a820e9a
#357 opened by drgn9 - 0
Tmux has buffer limit of 1024 bytes
#356 opened by jpalardy - 2
IPython with %cpaste -q returns ERROR! Session/line number was not unique in database.
#349 opened by dbatten5 - 3
kitty default window ID
#345 opened by avonmoll - 1
add motion-like keybinding
#344 opened by jam1015 - 2
SlimeSend0 with append a return or newline
#340 opened by huijunchen9260