
Sanitize secrets from a yaml file.

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


We wrote this program to consolidate secrets into a single repo. This program searches yaml files for keys matching a given regex ie: secret any keys that match that secret will have their keys replaces with mustache. Those values are stores as json at a location specified by the user.
This process is easily reversible.


Given the following (short) manifest file content:

    bar_secret_key: bar_secret_value
    bar_not_secret_key: bar_not_secret_value
    special_char_value_key: "*"
    multi_line_value_key: |
      ----------BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY--------
      ----------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----------

Sanitizing will:

  • Scan yaml files in /Path/to/manifests for keys matching a regex (use our default or specify your own using --pattern-file)
  • Replace each value of the matching keys with a {{mustache_placeholder}} value
  • Output the secrets read from the matching key/value pairs to a json file in the secret-dir specified.

For example,

sanitize --input /Path/to/manifests/ --secret-dir /Path/to/store/secret_json/

(where /Path/to/manifests included our manifest example above) will produce:

  bar_secret_key: "{{bla_foo_bar_secret_key}}"
  bar_not_secret_key: "{{bla_foo_bar_not_secret_key}}"
  special_char_value_key: "{{bla_foo_special_char_value_key}}"
  multi_line_value_key: "{{bla_foo_multi_line_value_key}}"

The resulting json secrets file looks like:

  "bla_foo_bar_secret_key": "bar_secret_value",
  "bla_foo_bar_not_secret_key": "bar_not_secret_value",
  "bla_foo_special_char_value_key": "*",
  "bla_foo_multi_line_value_key": "----------BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY--------\nASDASDASDSADSAD\n----------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----------\n"

To reverse this process, simply run:

desanitize --input /Path/to/manifests/ --secret-dir /Path/to/store/secret_json/

Desanitizing will:

  • Scan yaml files in /Path/to/manifests for mustache that matches the secrets in the json files from the specified secrets-dir
  • Replace those mustache values with the corresponding secrets

The result of desanitization will look familiar:

    bar_secret_key: bar_secret_value
    bar_not_secret_key: bar_not_secret_value
    special_char_value_key: "*"
    multi_line_value_key: |
      ----------BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY--------
      ----------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----------

Like all well behaved unix programs, output is silent unless it is interesting. You may with to add the --verbose flag to your commands while you are learning the ropes.


    $ gem install secrets-sanitizer


santize [options]
-h, --help          Help. See this help message.
-i, --input         Input manifest file or directory
-s, --secret-dir    Folder where all secrets will be written
-p, --pattern-file  (optional) Pattern file containing secrets patterns
                      config/catchall is used by default
-c, --create-config Create the .secrets_sanitizer file in the given
                    input path that contains the given secrets path
-v, --verbose

You can specify a pattern for secrets. Patterns are newline delimted regex. If you do not specify your own file: the defaults listed below will be used



because we interpret the YAML as a ruby object: sanitizer currently:

  • eats comments
  • reformats numbers like 186_000 to 186000
  • adds quotes to unquoted strings
  • rearranging multi-line strings

We encourage going over the output and being selective about acceptable changes.


There is an automation feature for easier directory conversion. Passing --create-config to any operation will create a .secrets_sanitizer file in the input directory that points toward the given secrets directoy. If this file exists you may run both sanitize and desanitize without any arguments for input or secrets to desanitize or sanitize the entire directory. Flags such as --verbose and --force will work as they always have in this context


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To release a new version, update the version numbers in version.rb located in desanitizer and sanitizer folders, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pivotal-cloudops/sanitizer. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. If you have a bad experience: tell us about it. We are working to make this code more better!

Legal: If you have not previously done so, please fill out and submit the https://cla.pivotal.io/sign/pivotal[Contributor License Agreement].


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License, check LICENSE.txt for details.