# LIBRARY BOOK SYSTEM - COMP2404 - TUTORIAL 9 - Facade Design Pattern # 2019/03/27 - 2019/04/03 - 01:00:00PM ## Program and Revision Author Jean Pamphile ## Purpose - Practice the integration of my code with an existing class - Work with the Facade design patter ## Files -Sources (*.cc) main.cc Array.cc Book.cc Library.cc List.cc View.cc Control.cc FictionBook.cc NonFictionBook.cc -Header (*.h) Array.h (provided) BookServer.h (provided) Book.h Library.h List.h View.h Control.h FictionBook.h NonFictionBook.h -Object file Array.o BookServer.o -Data (*.txt) in.txt in2.txt out.txt -Build file Makefile (provided) ## Compilation, Launching and Operating Instructions '''In Terminal, type the following commands to compile/launch the system... make clean make ./t09 < in2.txt ''' OR '''To output into the out.txt file make clean make ./t09 < in2.txt > out.txt ''' '''To check for memory leaks, use Valgrind. In Terminal, type the following commands.... make clean make valgrind ./t09 < in2.txt '''