
Using one or more ESP32s to provide temperature readings from various rooms to a local server.

Primary LanguageC++


This is a simple project that barely touches on the capability of the ESP32.  Simple socket interfacing,
python web server, JSON parsing, and javascript data manipulation was used.


An ESP32 microcontroller is used to read temperature readings from any room in the house, and send it
over a socket to a local server running on the computer.  The server stores a dictionary of all the readings, 
calculating averages, highs, lows, to display trends on a few graphs.


I am hoping to get a cheaper setup that can use the temperature sensor and relay information to the computer.
Currently the ESP32 costs $12 and that is too expensive for a basic temperature reader.  However, if there are 
multiple microcontrollers set up around the house maybe they can be used simulatenously for other tasks.

First working charts with dummy data
