Project Webtrack

Dezinfo website crawler

This is a website crawler that specializes in regular crawling of media websites. Its aim is to provide a simple platform for tracking media websites that publish content containing disinformation/propaganda/fake news/hoax.

It can extract URLs for articles from specified domains. It can extract pure article text and other metadata e.g. author, a publication date, keywords via templates. It stores data in a JSON format and in a vertical file format, that is suitable to be compiled into a text corpora.

Setting up the website crawler


  1. POSIX-friendly OS. (Tested with macOS 10.14.4 and Fedora 28.)
  2. Python 3 with pip installed.


  1. Install Python libraries via command pip install -r requirements.txt. Use of virtualenv is recommended.
  2. Obtain a DB password for Postgres database and put it into files/db_password on the first line. To change the connection string, modify lib/crawler_db/
  3. If necessary, set up new tables in Postgres database. SQL commands to do so are available in files/sql_commands.sql.

Crawler scripts

Each script in scripts/ folder is runnable via command line, with python scripts/<> format. To get documentation about available command line args, run the script with python scripts/<> --help.

Scripts should be run in this order, but it's not necessary:

  1. scripts/ – Downloads URLs for articles from monitored website domains. Data is stored into DB in articles_metadata table.
  2. scripts/ – Download raw HTML files for each article URL gathered, that has not been yet downloaded. HTMl files are stored in data/raw_articles/ and in DB in articles_raw_html table.
  3. scripts/ – Extracts pure data from raw HTML files and stores them into JSON files under data/processed_articles/ folder. Also a record is inserted into data/article_processed_data/.
  4. scripts/ – Automatically checks last article processing results if there are any problems. JSON file with results is stored into data/watchdog_output.json.
  5. scripts/ – Creates prevertical files from processed articles. Preverticals are stored in data/vertical_files/preverticals.

Regular crawling

To have the crawler run regularly, set up a cronjobs via crontab -e on the machine with wrapper scripts scripts/ and scripts/

Example usage (output from crontab -l), to have the crawler download articles every day at 6am, 12pm, 6pm, 10pm and process articles only on monday at 2pm:

05 6,12,18,22 * * * /home/pancik/webtrack/scripts/ >> /home/pancik/log_gather_and_download_articles.txt 2>&1
15 14 * * 1 /home/pancik/webtrack/scripts/ >> /home/pancik/log_process_articles_and_create_corpus.txt 2>&1

Add new domain to monitored domains

To add a new domain, add a new entry into files/website_article_urls_descriptions.json file. If the domain has RSS feed, then just add new entry with rss_url attribute. If the domain doesn't have a RSS feed, then add new entry that specifies "use_regex_parser": true, list possible URLs that could contain article URLs in "possible_source": [] and then specify a regex that href attributes on those possible sources have to match in order to be considered as an article URL. If the domain has a specific encoding, which means you occasionally get wrong characters in raw HTMLs after download, then specify encoding with "enconding": "utf-8".

Second step is adding a template to extract data from article in files/website_article_format_descriptions.json file. Template consists of several information that the crawler can extract from article. Title, author, date, perex, keywords all start with specifying CSS selector in selector. After that, you can filter out what you get from the selected tag via either regex on raw tag or regex on text after removing all HTML tags. For article text specified as article, after adding a CSS selector you can remove HTML tags inside that article selector. It's best to look at existing templates and/or look at the lib/article_data_extractors/

Last step is adding a subcorpora definition, which is needed for text analysis. You can do that in files/compilecorp_config/dezinfo_subcdef.txt. Just add a new domain with the same structure as there are other website domains. Also you'll have to add commands to compile terms and trends for the subcorpora in scripts/

Fixing problems in data found by scripts/

If is reporting a lot of errors, especially in high 90% or 100% of articles are missing some sort of data for certain website domain, then a manual correction of the template that extracts data might be necessary. First find an article in data/processed_articles/ for the given domain that is missing given metadata, but in it's raw HTML, you can see the data. Then proceed using python scripts/ --manual --dry-run --sql-conditions "AND = <article id>" to debug your changes to HTML template.

Text analysis

This project also contains few scripts, that can do analyses on data from the crawler and produce static HTML pages with visualizations.

These analyses are:

  • Finding plagiate articles between different website domains
  • Analyze how are hyperlinks used to link between articles from different website domains
  • Find keywords and terms for website domains
  • Find word trends based on time

Running the analyses


  1. Obtain a SketchEngine API username and key and put it into files/ske_api_key on the first line in format <api_username> <api_key>.
  2. Run script scripts/, that will process prevertical files into vertical files and compile a text corpora.
  3. Run script scripts/ with --type argument specifying which analysis you want.
  4. Run script scripts/, which will generate static website into data/html/.

Removing Postgres dependency

If needed, it is possible to remove Postgres database dependency from the project. You'll have to modify lib/crawler_db/ to use sqlite3 connector. Then you have to replace %s in every SQL for ?. Last step is changing scripts/ to use cursor.lastrowid instead of RETURNING id.