
Docker packaging of generatedata.com

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

generatedata for Docker

Docker packaging of generatedata


  • make extensive use of official php base image (lesser uncommon events)
  • Make the version configurable for build releases
  • Add a onbuild so End-Users can comfortably configure their ready-to-ship generatedata



You will need an mysql container to serve a database.

Do not use these settings in production (especially the mysql container configuration)

docker run --name generatedata-mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes -e MYSQL_DATABASE=generatedata -d mysql:5.7 && \
docker run --name generatedata -d --link generatedata-mysql:db -p 80:80 computerlyrik/generatedata

Open http://localhost/generatedata/install.php

For initial configuration settings see Example settings.php


Use to pre-confiure your personal containers with a private [settings.php](http://benkeen.github.io/generatedata/settingsFile.html).

The file will automatically included in your container build, given the follwing directory layout


Example Dockerfile

FROM computerlyirk/generatedata

Example settings.php

Default data configuration for above example plus generatedata-api enabled


$dbHostname     = 'db';
$dbName         = 'generatedata';
$dbUsername     = 'root';
$dbPassword     = '';
$dbTablePrefix  = 'gd_';
$encryptionSalt = 'furb4';

$apiEnabled = true;




Build current version

docker build

Build any released version

docker build --build-arg generatedata_version=3.2.4


Generating of testdata fails with memory allocation error

Solution: increase the allowed PHP memory inside generatedata-machine

  • Place a php.ini
memory_limit = 1024M
  • Have the follwing statement in your Dockerfile
COPY php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/