
Convert HTML to PDF using Webkit (QtWebKit) on AWS Lambda

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Convert S3-website HTML to PF using Webkit (QtWebKit) on AWS Lambda.

Required permissions

Permissions required to properly function.

  • s3:PutObject - Upload the output PDF to the bucket
  • s3:PutObjectTagging - Set tags on the uploaded PDF

Note that s3:GetObject is not used. The html page is loaded directly from the s3-website URL which requires public read.

Optional permissions

CloudWatch logging permissions. If you Create new role from template(s), these logging permissions will be automatically granted

  • logs:CreateLogGroup
  • logs:CreateLogStream
  • logs:PutLogEvents

Environment variables

All configuration is handled through Environment variables on the AWS Management Console. If not provided default values will be used.

Variable Description Type Default Value
filename_filter Filename filter used by node.js for fine-grained filter RegEx .htm, .html
page_size The size of PDF pages String 'letter'
header_left Text to display left-aligned in the Header String1 Empty string
header_center Text to display center-aligned in the Header String1 Empty string
header_right Text to display right-aligned in the Header String1 Empty string
footer_left Text to display left-aligned in the Footer String1 Empty string
footer_center Text to display center-aligned in the Footer String1 Empty string
footer_right Text to display right-aligned in the Footer String1 Empty string
page_zoom Page scaling Number 1.00
disable_javascript Show JavaScript run on the webpage Boolean2 false
print_media_type Use the "print" media type when generating the PDF Boolean2 false
enable_forms Convert HTML form elements to PDF form elements Boolean2 false
disable_external_links Do not load resources from remote webpages Boolean2 false
no_background Do not print background Boolean2 false
no_images Do not load or print images Boolean2 false
grayscale Generate the PDF in grayscale Boolean2 false

1 See wkhtmltopdf documentation > "Footers and Headers"

2 Valid boolean values: "true" or "false"

Create the AWS Lambda function

  1. Log into your AWS account
  2. Under Lambda, click Create a Lambda function button
  3. Select s3-get-object as the blueprint and click the Next button
  4. Configure Trigger
  5. Bucket - Select the S3-website bucket.
  6. Event type = Object Created (All)
  7. Prefix - Set based on your needs
  8. Suffix - Set based on your needs (Recommend: ".html")
  9. Check Enable trigger
  10. Click Next button
  11. Configure function
  12. Name - Enter name of your function (e.g. "s3html-to-pdf"),
  13. Runtime = Node.js 4.3
  14. Code entry type = Upload a .ZIP file
  15. Click Upload button to upload this project as zip archive.
  16. Set desired Environment variables to configure the function
  17. Role = Create new role from template(s)
  18. Role name - Enter name for the new role (e.g. "s3html-to-pdf-lambda-role")
  19. Policy templates - Remove the default S3 object read-only permission. Leave this field empty.
  20. Timeout (under Advanced settings) - Set to 10 seconds or more
  21. Click Next button
  22. Review your configuration and click Create function button

Configure additional permissions to the lamda role

  1. Log into your AWS account
  2. Under IAM, click Policies in the left navigation pane
  3. Click Create Policy button
  4. Select Create Your Own Policy
  5. Policy Name - Enter the name of the policy (e.g. "s3-pdfUpload-policy")
  6. Policy Document - Use the policy document below
  7. Click Create Policy button
  8. Click Roles in the left navigation pane
  9. Choose the Lambda Role we created earlier (e.g. "s3html-to-pdf-lambda-role")
  10. Click Attach Policy button on the Permissions tab
  11. Select the policy we just created (e.g. "s3-pdfUpload-policy")
  12. Click Attach Policy button
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Testing function

For the test we will be using the S3 Put sample event, changing only the parameters that are used by the function

  1. Click Actions button, then click Configure test event
  2. Select S3 Put
  3. In the JSON, update the following parameters
  4. Records[0].s3.bucket.bucketname - Enter your bucket's name
  5. Records[0].s3.object.key - Enter an existing html webpage from your bucket
  6. Click Save and test button. If your function is working correctly, you should receive following output:

Common Errors

"/var/task/wkhtmltopdf: Permission denied"

The wkhtmltopdf command does not have execute permissions.

Repackage zip to include POSIX execute permission (e.g. 755) on this file

"network error: ContentOperationNotPermittedError"

Resource returned HTTP 403 - Forbidden error.

Ensure public read access on either bucket policy or ACLs.