This repository contains web-friendly API documentation for several open source projects. Clone this repository to provide yourself with a local copy of the material. For example, on OS X, with web sharing enabled, cloning this repository into $HOME/Sites will enable you to view the documentation at http://localhost/~USERNAME/api-doc-mirror. * Erlang docs downloaded from: * Rails docs are generated within a fresh application for the desired version of Rails. - Generate the documentation 1. $ rails new doc_app --no-rc --skip-bundle 2. $ cd doc_app 3. $ echo "gem 'redcarpet'" >> Gemfile 4. $ echo "gem 'nokogiri'" >> Gemfile 5. $ bundle install 6. $ bundle exec rake doc:rails doc:guides 7. $ mv doc ../railsVERSION - Steps 2-7 can be performed using rake (see Rakefile).