
Library for interacting with Google Shared Contacts API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Gauthic provides a Ruby interface to Google's Data APIs. This initial release
has very limited functionality aimed at a specific need I have in an existing

The library only supports the Shared Contacts API at present because this is my
most pressing need. Read about the Shared Contacts API here:


Authorization is done via ClientLogin. It is my understanding that OAuth is
preferred to ClientLogin, but it was not immediately obvious to me how to get
OAuth working in a detached environment such as is found in a cron job. Read
more about Google Data authorization here:


(OAuth UPDATE: http://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?answer=61017&hl=en)


Before performing any actions, you must connect to the GData service to activate
a session. At present this is done via ClientLogin. The credentials must be for a
user with administrative privileges.

  Gauthic::SharedContact.connect!('admin@example.com', 'secret')

Gauthic::SharedContact exposes an interface similar to that of ActiveRecord.

  contact = Gauthic::SharedContact.new(
    name: {givenName: 'Winsome', familyName: 'Parker'},
    organization: {orgName: 'Urgetopunt Technologies LLC', orgTitle: 'Chief Dog Officer'},
    addresses: [{street: '123 Broadway', city: 'San Diego', region: 'CA', postcode: '92101', country: 'USA'}],
    emails: [{label: 'work', address: 'winsome.danger@example.com'}, {label: 'home', address: 'winnie@example.net'}],
    phones: [{label: 'work', number: '(619) 555-1212'}, {label: 'mobile', number: '619-555-1213'}]
  contact.name.additionalName = 'Danger'
  contact.new_record? # => true
  contact.id          # => nil
  contact.new_record? # => false
  contact.id          # => "https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/example.com/full/12345"

  contact = Gauthic::SharedContact.find('https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/example.com/full/12345')
  contact.update_attributes(name: {namePrefix: 'Ms.'}, organization: {orgTitle: 'Chief Pug'})

  contact = Gauthic::SharedContact.find('https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/example.com/full/12345')


This library has been developed and tested against Ruby 1.9.2, Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7 and Rubinius.