
An experiment working with AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and a rudimentary Python web scraper.

Primary LanguagePython

I use a spreadsheet to keep track of frequent flyer miles accrued over the course of the year. I have the distances between the most common origins and destinations, but I'm constantly going online to look up distances I don't know off-hand. I've found sources on line for calculating the distances, but they've often been slow, awkward, or otherwise clumsy to interface with. In order to make my life simpler, I decided to write a Python script to automate the query and scrape the results.

Carrying this a bit further, I thought it would be nice if the spreadsheet could interface with the web scraper directly. It would be overkill to turn the scraper into an always-on API, but it seemed like a good opportunity to experiment with some AWS services that facilitate the serverless craze. Specifically, it gave me an opportunity to play with Lambda and API Gateway.

The web scraper it self is called WebFlyer as it fetches data from the WebFlyer mileage calculator. Under the hood, the scraper depends on Requests to fetch the data and lxml to parse the results. (NB: This mileage calculator has a few quirks, such as rounding results to three significant digits, so results can vary from reality.)

The file lambda_function.py contains the handler used to mediate between Lambda and API Gateway by converting API path parameters into arguments to WebFlyer.

Because the scraper depends on extra libraries that are not part of the standard library available to Lambda functions written in Python, these dependencies must be packaged up with the actual code and uploaded to AWS as a ZIP file. To rebuild the ZIP file run the following:

$ zip -f -r get_mileage.zip lambda_function.py web_flyer.py chardet certifi idna urllib3 requests lxml -x */__pycache__/ *.pyc

To upload the code to Lambda:

$ aws lambda update-function-code --function-name get_mileage --zip-file fileb://get_mileage.zip

(TODO: Describe API Gateway integration.)